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Telemedicine Walk-In Clinic

It's never been easier to get the care you need.

Step One

Register Online

You'll have to register the first time you use the clinic. It's free, easy, and you only have to do it once. Your future visits will be even quicker.


Step Two

Visit or Call the Pharmacy

Once you are registered, you need to contact the pharmacy. We'll ask you for some details about your visit and then get you connected.


Step Three

Connect with a Doctor

You can choose to have a video call at the pharmacy or a phone call at home. Wait times are as short as just 15-30 minutes.

Step Four

Pick-Up Your Meds!

We can receive your prescription and fill it, saving you the hassle of going elsewhere. And we'll deliver for free if you can't wait.


How it Works

No appointments necessary. You just visit the pharmacy or give us call when you need to speak with a doctor, and we'll get you connected.

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